Sunday, July 4, 2010

Tomatoes: Determinant vs. Indeterminant Perhaps you've been to the nursery or garden center and have been picking out your tomato plants and noticed that some tomato plants are marked "determinant" and others are marked "indeterminate." A determinant plant is sometimes smaller and bares all its fruit at once and then it's done for the season. An Indeterminate plant continues to grow and bear fruit throughout the season, as long as the temperature is okay. What type of plant you might like is up to you. For example, determinant plants work quite well for container growing, or in smaller tomatoes. There are other reasons as well, which we explain to you in this video. Hope this helps! For more great gardening and vegetable growing tips, visit us on the web at the address listed at the top of this video description. Thank you!

steering knuckle

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